Kresley Cole My Faverite Books The Sutherland Brothers Series: The Price of Pleasure
A man noted for his courage and integrity, Captain Grant Sutherland journeys to Oceania to find Victoria Dearbourne, an English girl lost at sea a decade before. He’s given her ailing grandfather his word—as a gentleman—to find and protect her. One look at a grown Victoria and Grant’s never felt less like one.
Tori relishes freedom, untamed passion, chaos above stifling order. Even more so when a proud, cold British captain arrives to rescue her. When Tori and Sutherland are separated from his crew and forced to survive together, she begins to see in him a man hungering for more. A man who once laughed. A man who admits to having dark desires but won’t take what she offers. Tori resolves to see how much temptation the captain can take before his legendary restraint is shattered...
Chapter 1
Oceania, 1858
The short relay from the Keveral to the island before him reminded Captain Grant Sutherland of the whole bloody voyage: Dooley, his first mate, working tirelessly, his restless eyes darting around even in this small rowboat to find a crisis to forestall. Grant's crew—wary around their captain, obeying orders quickly out of their fear of him. His cousin, Ian Traywick, reeking of spirits and still—after all the miles and islands they'd covered—drunkenly optimistic of success.
"I have a good feeling about this island." Ian slapped Grant on the shoulder, then swiped a hand over his bristly face, attempting to smooth the bed linen indentions that still pinkened his skin. Throughout the voyage, Ian had provided what he called "shipboard levity" for a crew commanded by "one cold bastard." "Mark my slurred words, it's going to be this one. And as much as you think it won't be, surely it must."
Grant scowled at Ian. Reason dictated that Grant begin accepting his failure—this island marked the end of an exhaustive search and was the last in the Solais archipelago. After four months of sailing just to reach the Pacific, they'd spent another three futilely scouring every island in the chain for the Dearbourne family, lost at sea eight years ago.
"And if we find them today," Dooley added, clapping his weathered hands for emphasis, "we can make a run and dodge us some typhoons." The old salt was as kind as he was capable and would never rebuke Grant, but Grant knew he'd kept the ship in this region far too long—weeks into the peak storm season.
Both Dooley and Ian were still hopeful that they'd find the Dearbournes. Grant thought hope at this point was an indulgence.
And Grant Sutherland never indulged.
As the boat neared the island and the smell of damp earth and seaweed smothered the brine, Grant's thoughts turned inward. He scarcely registered the mountain, cloaked in foliage, or the emerald bay guarded by reef. They'd rowed out to search countless times before today, and variations of paradise had greeted them each time.
"Cap'n, what do you think about the north end of the shore?" Dooley asked, pointing out a beach cupped between rock outcroppings.
Grant studied the salt-white beach and, noting the channel through the reefs in front of it, waved them on.
Back into the lulling pattern of inching forward, then pausing after each stroke, Grant peered down through the crystal water. A massive bull shark prowled beneath them. Not surprising—sharks were legion in this area. He hoped that wasn't how the family had met their end.
Perhaps they had made it to one of these islands only to die of exposure. Little better, that. Grant knew exposure took lives as a cat kills a downed bird, playing with it, never quite extinguishing hope until the last. Yet both scenarios assumed the young family escaped their foundering ship. Most likely, they'd been pressed against their cabin wall as they watched the water eclipse them.
As the last of eight search parties, Grant's mission was either to find them or confirm their deaths. He dreaded the inevitable time when he would have to deliver the news—
"Cap'n?" Dooley cried in a strangled voice.
Grant's head jerked up. "What is it?" Before his eyes, Dooley's craggy face swelled crimson. "You ain't—you just ain't gonna believe this. Over there! South-southwest."
Grant trained his eyes in the direction of the man's periscope. And shot to his feet so hastily several hands slapped wood to clutch the pitching boat. Speech refused to come.
Finally, somehow, he managed, "I'll—be—damned."
A woman ran across the beach, seeming to light over the sand.
"Is it the daughter?" Ian demanded, as he stood as well. He clamped Grant's shoulder from behind him. "Tell me that isn't her!"
Grant shook him off. "I … can't say for certain." He turned to the oarsmen and barked, "Put your backs into it, men. Come on, then!"
He was just about to shove the smaller sailor away from the starboard oar and take it himself when he spotted something that defied belief. Hair spilled out from under her broad-brimmed hat and swayed down her back. Hair so blond it was white just like the girl's in the daguerreotype Victoria Dearbourne's grandfather had given him.
The closer they got to the beach, the more certain he became. He could more clearly make out her appearance—long legs stretching out as she picked up speed, one slender arm raised and bent to keep the hat atop her head. A tiny bared waist. Grant frowned. Plainly bared.
Victoria Dearbourne. It had to be. Grant's mind could hardly wrap around the idea of finally finding her. By God, he was going to bring her back to England alive and obviously hale.
They were closing in on the breakers when she caught sight of them. She stopped so suddenly, sand kicked up at her feet and caught on the breeze. Her arm went limp and her hat, forgotten, cartwheeled away.
The boat was close enough now for Grant to see an expression of total bewilderment on her face. He felt the like. In the wind, wild hair blew to her side, or curled around her ear and streamed across her neck like a collar. Thoughts bombarded his head. She'd been a pretty child, but now…
Exceptional. So alive.
She was drawing back.
"Stay there, girl!" Ian called. "Stay put!"
But she continued backing away—getting away—igniting in Grant a frustration like he'd never known. "She can't hear you over the breakers," he snapped.
Then Grant witnessed something he knew would be branded forever into his mind. Never slowing, she spun forward with startling agility to sprint from them. He'd never seen a woman run like that.
She ran … fast as hell.
Then she was gone as though the jungle sucked her inside.
"My God," Ian cried. "Tell me I'm not seeing this."
Grant wanted to speak, but no words came. After a muted chorus of swearing, the astonished crew looked up at him expectantly.
Never taking his eyes off the spot he'd last seen her, Grant said, "I'll just go retrieve Victoria now." And then he was swinging out of the boat and charging through the waves. When he reached the shore, he ran faster, not even pausing at the looming mesh of trees and vines. Grant matched her entrance and followed her to a well-worn path. He caught glimpses of her but couldn't gain.
Then, she was just before him—holding something to her side—eyes intent. When he got over his shock, he drew a ragged breath to speak. "I'm … Captain … Gr—" The slim muscles in her arms relaxed; Grant heard a whoosh. A branch whipped into his chest, toppling him to the ground. He bellowed in pain, his anger hot and blinding as he pushed himself up. He swung his head around, but couldn't spot her. Continuing on the trail, he loped with the pain, then picked up speed. All he could hear was his heart pounding in time with his shallow breaths.
He ignored everything as though wearing blinders, seeing only shadows of her as he gained, nearly able to reach her. Just when she came into view and he was about to lunge forward, she put her hand flat on a tree, using it to swing around. Now they were on opposite sides of the thick trunk. He ran to his right, she to hers. He reversed directions; her eyes narrowed in challenge. Then she feinted right, only to go left and hedge around him. He reached out at the last moment to grab her.
Got her. He wanted to howl his triumph.
Until he stared in disbelief as the skirt he clenched in his fist stayed there while she tripped forward. The sound of ripping cloth and her cursing him melded together over his own heavy breaths. He gaped as the worn fabric ripped a swath straight up the side of her thigh to her waist before tearing free. And then she was gone once more. Bloody hell. Bloody, bloody hell!
Anger gave way to frustrated fury. He tore off faster. Catch her. Explain who I am. Put her on the ship. Damn it, just catch her! As he plunged deeper into the jungle, the air grew cloudy with mist. The leaves that slapped at his chest were slick.
A waterfall of mythic size roared into view, the driving water deafening on the black rocks below. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied her white clothing amid the green.
Amid the green, across the rushing river.
"Victoria," he bellowed. Amazingly, she slowed. "I'm here to rescue you."
She turned and marched into a clearing. Putting her hands to her mouth, she yelled back at him. The words were incomprehensible over the water. "Bloody hell!" She'd have had no better luck hearing him.
Seeing no way around it, he ran to the bank and dove in, swimming furiously across the sweeping currents. Choking water, scarcely able to breathe, he hauled his big frame onto the opposite shore and staggered forward. He spotted her ahead, but as he returned to an agonizing run, he knew there was no way to catch her, no way to gain. Then he saw it, a chance.
She was following the path—he could cut through the brush separating them and intercept her. He veered left, hurdling a lazy palm, gaining already.
Then, strangely, he saw his feet—above his head. Right before he felt the first punch of earth as he plummeted down a ravine.
Even as he dropped, helpless to stop himself, he knew she'd led him here on purpose. When he caught her… He tumbled one last time and landed on his back so hard, the impact knocked the air from his lungs.
Before he could focus his eyes, she stood over him, prodding his hip with a stick, sunlight through the canopy haloing her hair. She tilted her head. "Why were you trying to catch me?"
He fought for breath, fought to speak, but only managed wheezing sounds. He could see her blond brows knit and her lips part to demand "Why?" once more, but she heard his men crashing toward them. She looked back at him, running her eyes over him, thoroughly, slowly, until she leaned in closer to taunt, "Next time you try to run me down, sailor, I'll drop you off a cliff."
She turned to stride away. He lunged over onto his front and sucked in a roar of air, breathing in the moisture from the plants enmeshing him. Coughing violently, he reached out a hand, wanting to stop her.
But she didn't look back. An iguana scuttled in her path, hissed at her, and deepened its stripes aggressively. She hissed back and disappeared into a black-green wall of brush.
"Savor this marvelous, unforgettable, highly romantic novel by a fresh voice in the genre."—Kathe Robin, Romantic Times Magazine, 4½ Stars, TOP PICK!
"THE PRICE OF PLEASURE is a masterpiece, a breathtaking romantic adventure of the heart. We’re gifted with this extraordinary sequel to THE CAPTAIN OF ALL PLEASURES—the Sutherland’s first adventure and a 2003 RT Reviewer’s Choice Award winner. Stories as wonderful as these don’t come along often enough in a reader’s life, so buy them and savor each and every word. The Sutherland brothers are rare treasures. Take these journeys of a lifetime. You’ll be glad you did."—Suzanne Tucker, Old Book Barn Gazette
"What a fabulous read! Ms. Cole has created a cast of characters that are fun and believable, and the plot to complement them. For a steamy read on the beach, I highly recommend this book."—Karen Larsen, Scribesworld, Five Stars, Reviewers' Choice Award Winner
"You will love this highly sensual romantic adventure as the sexual tension builds with every day Grant and Tori are together. The characters are marvelous and Ms. Cole’s voice is just as fresh and exciting in this book about the Sutherland family as was her debut book. I’m hoping the sexy Ian, a cousin, will have his book next. All I know is I’m falling in love with this dynamic family.
Do not miss this fascinating author who opens up a whole new world of fabulous characters to charm and entertain you to the max."—Suzanne Coleburn, Reader To Reader
“THE PRICE OF PLEASURE is fantastic! In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing better than a romantic adventure set on the high seas and author Kresley Cole delivers a keeper! A passionate couple, featuring a complex hero and determined heroine, lead a well-crafted cast of characters through the engaging narrative, leaving the reader voraciously turning pages until the very end. Though THE PRICE OF PLEASURE is the follow-up to Ms. Cole's debut THE CAPTAIN OF ALL PLEASURES, Grant and Tori's story easily stands on its own.
With a captivating brand of passion all her own, Kresley Cole is destined to be a star of this genre! To say that I can't wait for more is, of course, an understatement. Fortunately, readers won't have long to wait: look for IF YOU DARE, the first installment of the DARK HEART series to hit store shelves in May 2005.”—Reviewed by Melissa Fowler, The Romance Readers Connection
"The Sutherland adventure this time around is one of the best historical romances I have ever read. Grant is the epitome of all heroes — a rare breed of man…. Ms. Cole pens this story with precision, excitement, passion and fire. A year ago, I relished this new author’s debut, and this time I am savoring this awesome sequel and left greatly anticipating her next book. Readers will want to pay anything for The Price of Pleasure; it is very much worth it and so much more. Simply…outstanding!"—Tracey West, Road to Romance
"It is hard to believe that THE PRICE OF PLEASURE is only Ms. Cole's second romance. I think it safe to assume she has a long, successful future ahead of her. I strongly urge readers to become familiar with this talented new author; read THE PRICE OF PLEASURE today."—Sandra Brill, Romance Reviews Today
I'll say one thing for THE PRICE OF PLEASURE, it sure starts out with a bang! With a unique and original beginning, once I started reading it didn't take long for me to realize I was in for one enticing, spicy and fast-paced treat.... Following on the heels of her impressive debut book, THE CAPTAIN OF ALL PLEASURES, THE PRICE OF PLEASURE proves to be a very worthy sequel, written by an extremely talented and fast-rising star of romance. Quick to start, bold and sensual, THE PRICE OF PLEASURE captures its readers from the very beginning with its fast pace and originally refreshing storyline, making the price of this reading pleasure well worth a trip to the bookstore."—Nancy Davis, Romance Reader at Heart Reviews
"What a captivating story! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of THE PRICE OF PLEASURE. It wasn’t easy to leave straight-laced, gorgeous Grant and resourceful, strong-willed Tori behind when I turned the last page. There are detailed settings from the South Pacific to Cape Town to England, and secondary characters that fill out the story beautifully. THE PRICE OF PLEASURE follows CAPTAIN OF ALL PLEASURES. I hope there’s another sequel in the works!"—Alane Coppinger, Romance Junkies
"One of the best historical romances I’ve ever read! Kresley Cole has written a marvelous story that will keep you quickly turning the pages well into the night!
THE PRICE OF PLEASURE is only Kresley Cole’s second novel, but she writes like a master! This is a fantastic historical romance, and the characters are one of a kind. Grant and Victoria will weave their way into your heart, and you will wish the story didn’t have to end. I was fascinated by Victoria’s survival skills, and I loved the sizzling attraction between her and Grant. I couldn’t ask for a more enjoyable and well-written novel than THE PRICE OF PLEASURE."—B.J. Deese, Romance Junkies
"Kresley Cole continues to enthrall with her second historical, THE PRICE OF PLEASURE (Pocket July 2004). In this fantastic romantic adventure, Captain Grant Sutherland sails to Oceania in 1858 to search for an elderly British earl's family, who were lost at sea a decade ago. Grant discovers the granddaughter, Victoria Dearbourne, now in her early 20s, and her governess, Camellia Scott, who have been stranded on a remote island for years and learned to successfully fend for themselves. The straight-arrow Captain is both drawn by Tori's beauty and ingenuity but appalled at her lack of decorum. Grant eventually takes Tori to bed despite the fact he doesn't think she'll make a proper English wife. After Grant's loveless marriage proposal, which Tori declines, he leaves Tori at her ailing grandfather's estate, Belmont Court, but has no idea of their impoverished circumstances. Will Grant come to his senses and recognize his feelings for Tori as true love?
Kresley Cole is fast proving herself the Mistress of Romantic Adventure with thrilling fast-paced plots, winning characters and highly sensual love stories! THE PRICE OF PLEASURE is an extremely pleasurable read! In addition, Ms. Cole has set herself up brilliantly for another sequel about Grant and Derek Sutherland's rakish cousin, Ian, who has been taken by a crimp gang. Stay tuned for Kresley Cole's next terrific tale!"—Patricia Rouse, Rouse's Romance Readers Groups
"Sexy and original! Sensual island heat that is not to be missed." -- Heather Graham
4½ Stars TOP PICK: "Savor this marvelous, unforgettable, highly romantic novel by a fresh voice in the genre." -- Romantic Times Magazine
Virginia HenleyA splendid read! The sexual tension grips you from beginning to end.
Heather GrahamSexy and original! Sensual island heat that is not to be missed.
Product Description
Kresley Cole returns with a breathtaking romantic saga of love, honor, and passion unbound -- as a man of duty faces his greatest trial, and a young castaway discovers her greatest desire....
A man noted for his courage and integrity, Captain Grant Sutherland journeys to Oceania to find Victoria Dearbourne, an English girl lost at sea a decade before. He's given her ailing grandfather his word -- as a gentleman -- to find and protect her. But one look at a grown Victoria and Grant has never felt less like one.
Tori relishes freedom, untamed passion, and spontaneity above stifling order. Even more so when a proud, cold British captain arrives to rescue her, though she has no wish to be. As Grant tries to convince her to leave her island home, she begins to see in him a man hungering for more. A man who once laughed. A man who desires her but won't take what she offers.
Grant struggles to control his own savage passions -- and fails, Tori must decide what she wants more -- her unfettered independence or the only man who could tame her wild heart....
About the Author
Previously a competitive athlete and coach, Kresley Cole is fast becoming one of the hottest names in historical and paranormal romance. She has a master's degree in English from the University of Florida, and spent much of her time in the research library there, gathering background material for her books. She is the author of the MacCarrick Brothers trilogy, which begins with If You Dare and includes the forthcoming If You Desire and If You Deceive. Her other award-winning novels include No Rest for the Wicked, A Hunger Like No Other, The Captain of All Pleasures, and The Price of Pleasure. Her short fiction is featured in the bestselling anthology Playing Easy to Get.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
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